

Google Cloud

I designed and built the business site for HomeShine Solutions, LLC. to improve their online presence and increase customer engagement.

Homepage of the HomeShine Solutions website. White navbar above background image of roof tiles, business description in gray box on left, white contact form on right, gray footer below.

I built www.homeshinesolutions.com with: React, TypeScript, Next.js, and MUI, deployed it with Vercel, and made use of Google Cloud API, SparkPost API, and Swiper image carousel. Throughout the process, I collaborated with the founder of HomeShine Solutions, LLC. to ensure that the site met his vision and to help him understand various technical decisions. In building this website, I also provided graphic design and copywriting services for the logo and text.

  • Google Cloud API was used for storing the contact form submission data in a Google Sheet so the owner could easily view all inquiries in one place
  • SparkPost API was used to send a copy of the contact form responses to the user and to the owner of the company so each would be notified
  • Check out the code here.

    Future enhancements:
  • migrate from Next.js to Astro to improve overall site performance
  • improve user accessibility across the site
  • improve mobile experience of modal contact form
  • add before/after image gallery
  • clear submission form a few seconds after submitting
  • align formatting between Privacy and Terms pages
  • additional items available here